Day 2 with a new and bigger 10.5" Hiro tied on Roger Davis of Washington State set out to keep the rush going from the previous days 36lb limit. This giant 9lb northern gorilla kept that adrenalin flowing.
"I caught that fish off a swim dock. It followed me back along with another giant and didn't take, so I left it alone and returned about 2 hours later. Hit it from the perfect angle, into the wind and gave it a slow roll up until I got to the swim dock, then I gave it a fast erratic retrieve. It hit on a pause, I saw the flash first, but it hit hard.
I had 30 pounds for my five best today, so a two day bag of 66 pounds. Not too shabby for Washington!"
Big congrats to Roger Davis for having a weekend most anglers only dream about. Keep in mind the state record is only 11lbs 9oz. Heck of an accomplishment for any trophy hunter.