Length: 8.5"
Weight: 4.5-5 oz
Sink Rate: Slow Sink
This kokanee bait was originally designed in 2010 to mimic the kokanee that inhabit the world record smallmouth fishery that is Lake Pardee,Ca. Shortly after it's conception it was gifted to a trophy spotted bass hunter who fishes Lake Shasta and it's surrounding lakes. It wasn't until this relationship formed that I understood it's full potential. Numerous lake record class fish have been caught over the years between California and Washington State. While original versions had a small anal fin and thinner rear section changes were made to allocate internal weight better and further the glide. Keeping with the original aspects the bait is short in stance and is custom tuned to #1 Decoy quad hooks.
Presentation is matched with the mood of the fish, slow roll with reel pops around key structure/cover can often trigger the biggest bites.